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About us

We’ve been here on the Near Eastside of Indy for over 100 years; our Spanish expression of who we are— Mano de Amistad— for fifteen years. We love our neighbors and our neighborhood and believe God has planted us here as the people of God in this place—loving and serving each other and those around us.

Our office is open throughout the week and the coffeepot is usually on. Stop in to get a glimpse of our daily life together. Give us a call and we’d be happy to set up a time to visit with you.

A neighborhood church

Englewood had her beginning as a neighborhood church on the outskirts of the growing city of Indianapolis in 1895. Morning worship attendance climbed to over one thousand by the early 1970s, but numerous changes were gathering momentum signaling a precipitous fall. How did we move from a small neighborhood church in an emerging neighborhood, to a booming influential megachurch, to a magnet of urban mission in a forgotten community, to an informally intentional community that seeks to faithfully express love one another and our neighborhood in the way and name of Jesus?      



story of a city neighborhood

If you walk the streets of the Englewood neighborhood surveying the landscape on a late summer day, you might sense the tiniest whiff of change in the air. Englewood, a small neighborhood on the Near Eastside of Indianapolis, is in many ways a stereotypical...


Firmly Planted: Creation Care at Englewood Christian Church

Firmly Planted: Creation Care at Englewood Christian Church

Play Video

Firmly Planted: Creation Care at Englewood

a documentary by IU student Sophia Muston



We hold these covenants in common and strive to live them. We believe they are consistent with the way of Jesus. We see them as a work in progress, ever-changing as we grow and mature in Christ. Check out our Covenant Songs!

Believing the one God to be the sovereign creator and loving sustainer of all, who became flesh in the person of Jesus of Nazareth and continues to be present in the Holy Spirit, we submit all we desire and all we possess to God’s kingdom reign through the discernment of the local church body.


Believing that every person has been made in the image of God and is loved by God, we commit to receiving each person as a gift— including their strengths and weaknesses—as we submit ourselves to God’s reconciliation of all things.


Rejecting the wisdom of this world, Jesus came as the complete expression of the wisdom of God, which was revealed in the signs he performed and the nature he displayed. We embrace this wisdom and we participate in God’s kingdom as we daily practice the continuing works and nature of Christ, including radical self-denial; prayerful trust in God’s guidance and provision; and deep love for friends and enemies alike.


Being united by God’s grace through the Spirit as Englewood Christian Church, we confess that we are a manifestation of Christ in this place, that God has provided all we need to mature to the fullness of Christ, and that the Holy Spirit is the constantly abiding presence of God with us, transforming us as we live truthfully and patiently with one another and all our neighbors.


Reading the Scriptures as the God-breathed record of the divine mission in history, and recognizing that God continues to work in the world through the faithfulness of God’s gathered people, we daily submit ourselves to the narratives and the directives we discern from its pages.


Recognizing we are the people of God, a tangible presence of Christ in this place, we commit ourselves to love God and neighbor by daily living out the reality of the kingdom in such ways as caring for one another, laying aside self-interest, speaking truthfully with one another, and giving and receiving admonition, counsel, and encouragement.


Believing God’s Spirit to be present whenever and wherever God’s children gather together in Christ’s name and for his purposes, we will honor God’s presence and respect the time and effort of our sisters and brothers by participating generously, and by diligently using our gifts to prepare for and to enrich our life together.

our pastoral staff
Laretta Benjamin

Office Administrator

Email Laretta

Katy of the woods.jpg
Katy Lines


Email Katy

Mike Bowling


Email Mike

Humberto Ramirez

Pastor, Mano de Amistad

Email Humberto

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